Thursday, November 5, 2009

Questionnaire of Ms. Ankita Dasgupta, a 5th semester student of LLDIMS, Mandi; for the research project, " Preference of Moviegoers in South Delhi."

The objectives of the research project are:
1. To find out the factors those influence the moviegoers the most.
2. To discover what media or sources do they rely on to make their choice (critic’s review, trailers among others.)
3. To investigate how effective are the current methods of publicity in influencing their choice.

The questionnaire is given below:


This questionnaire is a method to collect primary data for the research project, Preference of Moviegoers in South Delhi. The research is being conducted for partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from G.G.S.I.P.University, New Delhi.

Educational qualification:

Please choose one response (give a tick mark) from the following options for each question unless instructed otherwise.

Q1) Do you like watching movies?

. Yes
. No

Q2) How often do you go to the theater to watch movies?

. I watch every new release
. 2-3 times a month
. Every weekend
. Rarely

Q3) What kind of movies do you prefer?

. Action
. Drama
. Romance/Comedy
. Horror
. Other (please write)____________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Q4) What are the factors that draw you to the theater?

. Star cast
. Director
. Story/Reviews
. Other (please write)________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q5) What do you have to say about people watching a movie in theater more than once because of their favorite stars despite the movie getting bad reviews.
(please write below)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Q6) Does a director's previous work affect your choice?

. Yes
. No
. May be

Q7) On what basis do you decide a movie to watch?

. Trailers
. Critics Review
. Word of Mouth review from people you know
. Other (please write)_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q8) Does the appearance of celebrities, of new movie releases, on various television shows for promotion have an impact on your choice?

. Yes
. No
. Sometimes

Q9) Do chat shows, interviews and special shows on a particular movie increase your curiosity about the movie (e.g. chat shows on MTV and Channel V on various movies)?
. Yes
. No
. Maybe

Q10) Are your choices affected by the banners and posters outside?
. Yes
. No
. Sometimes

Q 11) Will you go to the theaters to watch a movie if a celebrity (star cast) personally appears at the opening of the movie?
. Yes
. No
. Only if it’s my favorite movie star

I, do hereby declare that all my responses are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.



(Signature of respondent)

1 comment:

Unknown said...
